


Kreuzauer Str. 18
52355 Düren



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Your personal contact

Dr. Tobias Boland
Dr. Tobias Boland

Finances, HR and IT

Bernd Scholbrock
Bernd Scholbrock

Markets and Logistics

Armin Vetter
Armin Vetter

Production and Technology

Kathrin Köller
Kathrin Köller

Referent of management systems, sustainability and digitalization

Philipp Lücke
Philipp Lücke

Sales Director

Andreas Penner
Andreas Penner

Head of Internal Sales

Christina Pubantz
Christina Pubantz

Distribution Clerk

Thomas Wagner
Thomas Wagner

Distribution / Planning Clerk

Melissa Schaaf
Melissa Schaaf

Distribution Clerk

Tom Lauscher
Tom Lauscher

Distribution / Planning Clerk

Stefanie Haselier

Distribution Clerk

Stefan Cremer
Stefan Cremer

Quality Assurance

Reinhold Rank
Reinhold Rank

Head of Depot Procurement

Claudia Sauren
Claudia Sauren

Procurement Clerk

Christopher Demel
Christopher Demel

Procurement Clerk

Lena Kremer
Lena Kremer

Procurement Clerk

Myriam Bethlehem
Myriam Bethlehem

Head of Depot

Frank Vogeler
Frank Vogeler

Head of Logisitcs

Ramona Engel
Ramona Engel

Team leader Distribution and Logistics Clerk

Karin Ganster
Karin Ganster

Distribution and Logistics Clerk

Felix van der Lee
Felix van der Lee

Distribution and Logistics Clerk

Melanie Groß
Melanie Groß

Distribution and Logistics Clerk

Harald Sengersdorf
Harald Sengersdorf

Load Master

Tanja Enge
Tanja Enge

Head of HR

Sabrina Hahn
Sabrina Hahn

Referent of HR

Fabian Sulek
Fabian Sulek

HR Clerk

Christoph Nahrath
Christoph Nahrath

Head of Production

Frank Duwe
Frank Duwe

Manager Power Plant

Thomas Linnartz
Thomas Linnartz

Head of Electrical Maintenance

Thomas Dombrovskis
Thomas Dombrovskis

Head of Mechanical Maintenance

Christoph Haberkorn
Christoph Haberkorn

Head of Controlling

Bärbel Kyll
Bärbel Kyll

Financial Accounting Clerk

Sandra Kirschner
Sandra Kirschner

Head of Finances

Andrea Breuer

Referent of Finances/Controlling

Günther Wirtz
Günther Wirtz

Head of IT

Nelli Weinhold
Nelli Weinhold

IT Clerk

Marcel Cremer
Marcel Cremer

IT Clerk

Jürgen Heidel
Jürgen Heidel

IT security officer


International Paper & Plastic
Nijverheidsweg 37
NL 2102 LK Heemstede


Jeroen Kuiper




EFP Chavassieu
8 Rue des Graviers
F 92200 Neully Sur Seine


Michael Kihlgren


W. Pauly & C. srl
Via Vittor Pisani
I 20124 Milano


Walter Pauly


B.O.R International Trading Ltd.
2 Rothschild St.,

POB 1079
7680400 Mazkeret-Batya


Gidi Zamir


Rex-trading von Schantz GmbH
Obergasse 16 c
D 61118 Bad Vilbel


Christer von Schantz


KVARAD Radomil Kvapil
Ul. Kaprów 3B/18
PL 80 316 Gdansk


Radomil Kvapil

  +48 58 762 34 01


Paper Wings S.L.U.
ES 08004 Barcelona


Pedro Garcia Buils


GJ Paper Consulting Ltd.
203 Andrianos Court

7 Tinou Street

8028 Paphos



Phil Bond

Times and maps



Mon – Thu: 07:00 – 14:00 hrs

Fri: 07:00 – 12:00 hrs

Acceptance info

Site map

INBOUND (recovered paper)


Mon – Fri: 07:00 – 17:00 hrs
Acceptance info

Site map

OUTBOUND (new paper)


Mon – Sat: 00:00 – 24:00 hrs
Sun: 22:00 – 24:00 hrs


Loading info


OUTBOUND_Night Gate 2